Tuesday 27 March 2012


Apologies again, this is going to be a quick one because I’m so stupidly busy.  But first of all, I need to say CONGRATULATIONS to the marvellously named Cherry Ashe who won my blog competition last month.  I asked people to email me with their own ideas for a Lottie Biggs title.  Cherry suggested Lottie Biggs is Not Single – and even gave me a plot outline involving GARETH DUMPING LOTTIE AND GOING OUT WITH GOOSE INSTEAD.  I was quite disturbed by this idea.  But of all the ideas that people sent me – this was the one which I just couldn’t forget about.  So Cherry wins!  But hey, Cherry, YOU NEED TO EMAIL ME WITH YOUR ADDRESS SO I KNOW WHERE TO SEND YOUR BOOKS TO!
This week’s blog picture is of the sweet little free sampler for my next books What’s Up With Jody Barton?  The real book looks the same but bigger and pinker and it’s out in June.  The sampler is being let loose in random places already and tells you Jody’s story up until Jody’s big secret is revealed.  If you find a sampler, YOU MUST KEEP THE SECRET ;-)
Yesterday, I was in London at the Guardian Open Weekend with the lovely people from Pan Macmillan and we gave a load of these samplers away.  You can also get your hands on one at various summer festivals and some book shops and libraries.  I, personally, have been having fun spreading them all around Norwich.
The website hasn’t changed much recently – that’s because it’s currently UNDER REDEVELOPMENT.  Within the next month or two, a brand new website – exact same address – will reveal itself before your very eyes.
Enjoy the Spring sunshine,
Hayley x

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